
Environmentally Friendly?

Let's face it. Humans are the least environmentally friendly creatures on the planet. Sure, there are some bats whose excrements can be toxic and end up poisoning the environment, but there aren't billions of them flying around. There are billions of people and a lot of them are flying around.

Let's forget for the moment that air travel consumes huge amounts of air fuel, otherwise known as kerosene. Being a fossil fuel, it is almost as polluting as petrol, but those issues are being dealt with differently. What about how the airlines handle their inflight services?

Pleasantly, airlines are slowly opening their operations to environmentally friendly methods. More has to be done though.

Delta has introduced an amenity bag that is made of mostly biodegradable material. I was very pleased to examine the tooth brush made of corn fiber and the recycled paper bag holder.

This got me to thinking, how much of the internal operations of the airline can be environmentally friendly? Startlingly, a lot of the material used in inflight operations can be recyclable. Cups, bags, bottles, trays, water and more.

It would certainly be a pro business move to be environmentally friendly as renewable sources, though expensive to start up, have an overall lower cost of production.

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